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Defender SupportTank Level and Pre-treatment Lockout Wiring

Defender Support

Tank Level and Pre-treatment Lockout Wiring

The Defender system is equipped with two switch closure circuits that control the RO system ON/OFF function. This is a "no voltage" switch closure circuit (dry contact).

Tank Level Input
There is a switch closure circuit used to turn some RO systems on and off when an atmospheric tank float is installed. The float switch wires as follows:

The wires above show color coatings. However, the colors do not matter. There is no voltage to these wires. They just need to be wired in a loop that can open or close when necessary. BE SURE to use the blue and black wires only on the float.

IMPORTANT! Do not apply voltage to the tank level input circuit. This will damage the RO system.

Once the float is wired, be sure to remove the shipping ties securing the float. Adjust the float accordingly for your system.

Pre-treatment Lockout Wiring

In some applications, there are backwashing filter units or softeners used as pre-treatment for the RO module. Some of these pre-treatment units may be equipped with a "lockout" output. In this case, these outputs can be wired into the tank Pre-treatment Lockout Inputs. This will shut the RO module down while the backwashing filter or softener is in regeneration / backwash. This option is utilized to ensure there is no untreated water fed to the RO system when a pre-treatment device is in regeneration / backwash. The pre-treatment output switches will be wired as follows.

The wires above show color coatings. However, the colors do not matter. There is no voltage to these wires. They just need to be wired in a loop that can open or close when necessary. BE SURE to use the Normally Closed (circuit opens when regeneration / backwash starts and closes at the end of all cycles) wires only on the Backwashing Filter or Softener output switch.

IMPORTANT! Do not apply voltage to the Pre-treatment Lockout connection circuit.
This will damage the RO system. BE SURE the pre-treatment output switch on the
backwashing filter or softener DOES NOT supply power.

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