The membrane will need to be changed every 3-5 years depending on the usage and the water quality of the feed.
Make sure to test the pre-filters before suspecting the membrane.
How do I test me membrane function?
a. Remove the check valve (middle port on the two port side of the membrane or in the tubing from this middle port)
b. Blow air through the check valve. It should only flow one way.
c. If air can be pushed both ways through the check valve it is bad and needs replaced.
a. Remove the flow restrictor from the waste line from the membrane housing. This will be the line from the offset port on the “two port” side of the membrane.
b. Make sure it is not fully open. Air should push through but not at full force.
c. If air passes through at full force replace the flow restrictor.
a. Remove the membrane and check for physical damage and condition.
b. If it is not damaged or dirty, reinstall it. Remove the permeate line from membrane housing and turn the fee water to the system on. Now see if there is any water coming from the membrane.
c. If no water is coming from the membrane replace it.