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Matrixx Infusion SupportMedia Installation

Matrixx Infusion Support

Media Installation


Remove the tank from the carton


Verify the riser tube is centered in the bottom of the tank

There is an indentation in the bottom of the tank that will allow the distributor tube to be centered. A flashlight may be needed to verify the tube is in the center of the tank.


Install the clear, plastic cap that is provided in the install kit onto the distributor tube


Use the funnel provided to pour the media into the tank


The order the media is poured in is important. Begin by pouring the Quartz Gravel into the bottom of the tank. Next, proceed to pour the Catalytic Carbon. A helper may be needed to hold the funnel during the filling process.

NOTE: It is recommended that a dust mask and safety goggles be worn to prevent possible injury.


When the media is installed, move the tank side to side to settle the media

Remove the funnel and cap from the distributor tube.


Lubricate the distributor O-ring and the outer tank O-ring on the bottom of the control valve.


Install the upper basket on the bottom of the valve by lining up the tabs then turning the basket clockwise to lock it in place


Place the upper basket over the distributor tube and push the valve onto the tank. Thread the valve on the tank by turning it clockwise. Be sure not to cross thread the valve on the tank.


Tighten the valve hand tight then snug it further by tapping it with the palm of the hand

DO NOT use tools to tighten the valve or damage could occur.

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